I was skeptical when Tanya Arnold mentioned By the Great Horn Spoon! on Our Reading Life. I had never read any books by Sid Fleischman, and judging them by their covers, they always left me feeling unimpressed.
However, when Tanya described it and focused on the butler, Praiseworthy, I started wondering if it might be similar to Gary D. Schmidt's Pay Attention, Carter Jones. Since By the Great Horn Spoon! was published in 1963 and Carter Jones in 2020, I now wonder if Schmidt was, in fact, influenced by Fleischman.
Upon Tanya’s recommendation, I gave this book a chance and opted for the Audible audiobook version, which features multiple voices and a radio-theater quality performance.
Again, I was wrong, and Tanya was right. This book is a rollicking good time with a delightful mix of historical intrigue. An absolute page-turner, it would appeal to any reader, making it an ideal family read-aloud. It would especially be appreciated by boys who enjoy fast-paced, action-packed books with real substance.
Jack and his sisters are wards of their wealthy aunt, but her inheritance is dwindling. Despite selling her mansion and letting go of much of her staff, she is just a year away from going broke. Determined to help, Jack devises a plan: head to California and strike gold. When attempting to sneak away, he is caught by Praiseworthy, the family butler, who then joins him on his adventure. Together, they embark on a sea voyage and an arduous trek through Gold Country.
This story is brilliant, hilarious, and fast-moving, filled with excellent imagery. As I read, I envisioned scenes reminiscent of Captain’s Courageous, Around the World in 80 Days, and Francis Tucket's Adventures in the West.
Praiseworthy proves to be an exceptional friend to Jack (and his aunt) and a man of honor. Throughout the story, Jack dreams not only of striking it rich to save his family but also of one small, deeply personal hope: that Praiseworthy might finally drop the butler formalities and simply call him “Jack” instead of “Master Jack.” Not everything turns out as Jack hopes, but it all ends very well.
This novel is an adventure, a historical tale, a story of friendship, and, like Pay Attention, Carter Jones, it is a story of good mentoring. By the Great Horn Spoon! is a must-read for anyone who loves a fast-paced, humorous, and heartwarming adventure. The audio is expertly done and fun to listen to.