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Candy Bomber: The Story of the Berlin Airlift's "Chocolate Pilot"
Candy Bomber: The Story of the Berlin Airlift's "Chocolate Pilot"

Candy Bomber: The Story of the Berlin Airlift's "Chocolate Pilot"

Published Time
November 6, 2021
“I can live on thin rations, but not without hope.”

Our children need stories like this. We need stories like this.

The first chapter of The Candy Bomber briefly outlines a complicated political situation – the Soviet blockade of Germany’s capital city, Berlin, in 1948. When WWII was over, the Allies divided Germany into four occupation zones. The city of Berlin was inside the Russian zone, but the United States, Britain, and France each wanted access to the city, so they divided it four ways as well. The Russians got East Berlin, and the other three countries divided the west side of the city.

The Russians wanted none of western democracy. They blockaded Berlin, expecting it wouldn’t take long for the starving West Berliners to beg the Allies to leave so the Russians would allow them food. The Russians could block access by land and water, but the treaty provided for certain air corridors which couldn’t be denied without risking political consequences.

The Allies began what came to be known as the Berlin Airlift. The goal was to provide food and fuel to over two million people for as long as necessary. The Chocolate Bombing grew out of an experience one Airlift pilot, Lt. Gail Halvorsen, had on a sightseeing trip in Berlin. He encountered a group of German children who asked him questions and told him about the experiences of their relatives in East Berlin.

When it was time for him to leave, he wanted to give something to these children, who were not only hungry but had long been deprived of sweets. All he had with him was two sticks of Doublemint gum. Though he was afraid he might be starting a fight, he tore both sticks in half and handed the pieces to four children. Rather than fighting, the children tore the wrappers into strips and passed them around so everyone would have a chance to savor the smell. Halvorsen says, “In all my experience, including Christmases past, I have never witnessed such an expression of surprise, joy, and sheer pleasure.”

It was then that he had the idea to drop gum and chocolate to these kids when he flew back into Berlin the next day with the normal supplies. He told them he would wiggle the plane’s wings so they would know it was him and be ready for the drop.

At first, all Halvorsen had to give was his own chocolate ration and those donated by his fellow airmen. He was also operating without permission. However, the operation soon had the blessing of his superiors and enough attention that people in the United States were raising funds and donating candy. They were also donating fabric to be used for the little parachutes necessary to make the drops without injuring anyone. The Life Savers company even donated 4,000 rolls of candy to the effort.
