By Lucy K. age 10, Senior Intern
Start reading along with Ella, Henny, Sara, Charlotte, and Gertie. Five sisters who all wear the same thing but have unique personalities. All-of-a-Kind-Family, by Sydney Taylor showcases a beautiful family who work together and help one another in what little or big way they can. The predicament of the bountiful gift of books from Father, along with Charlie’s stunts, will keep you laughing as you move through the book. This reminds me of The Mitchell’s written by Hilda Van Stockom. There are many similarities between the families, specifically the youngest daughter in each book. These girls bring a lot of joy to both the sweet stories and are relatable, as they remind me of my spicy younger sister.
Within the book, there is one area that parents might be concerned with. The two youngest children, Gertie and Charlotte, get candy with their two pennies and eat the sweets at night in bed against their mother’s wishes. It also mentions that they do it again. Other than this dishonesty, is it a great story with excellent Christian morals. I highly recommend this book to all ages and it would be a great family read aloud. I hope you will enjoy All-of-a-Kind-Family as much as I did, and if you do I’d highly recommend reading The Mitchell’s.
By Lucy Kabat age 10