I believe that every good book has an important moral, and Boxers & Saints by Gene Luen Yang has a very strong moral that everyone should know: every war has two faces. In these books, one can truly understand and even have sympathy toward either side. The Chinese Boxer Revolution was no joke, and this book indeed captures the anger and hate of the Boxers trying to rid their country of the foreigners or “Foreign devils” (as they referred to them) and the holiness and bravery of the Christians trying to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. This narrative is presented as two books but is actually one story representing two different perspectives. I recommend these books to older readers due to violence, blood, minor gore, and slightly inappropriate language that may make younger readers uncomfortable. Overall, these books are a wonderful swirl of historical accuracy and creative fiction combined into two exciting and thrilling novels.
Publication Date
September 24, 2023