By Lucy K. age 10, Senior Intern
(For this review, Lucy is answering some questions that I posed to her.)
- As a library intern we have to read and write a review for a couple different books throughout the semester. The first book I chose, was the Angel Knew Papa and the Dog as this one looked very interesting based on the cover.
- Some things I liked about the book are that it is so beautiful and full of faith and love! From the beginning sentence to the end cover I couldn’t set it down. Another thing I really enjoyed about the book is the sweet relationship that the main character and her father have. They are so close. What drew me into this story even further were the parts that all the animals played! The animals always bring the story (even the sad stories) joy with the way they always love the humans, especially the dogs.
- This book is so unique.
- Parents, there is one thing I think you should know. In the story the main character's mom died, likely at child birth. But there are no swear words or any other things you should be concerned about.
- I would recommend this book to eight, nine, and ten-year-olds. This book would also be great for animal lovers! If you loved The Angel Knew Papa and the Dog, I would highly recommend checking out Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder.