By Finn H. age 12, Science & Boy Book Ambassador
I chose to read this book because the cover was eye-catching, energetic, and playful. The simple and entertaining science experiments included are easy and fun. I liked that it was down to earth and the pictures matched what I was reading. The only thing I did not like, is that the cover is the same on the front and back.
This book reminds me of, Why I Sneeze, Shiver, Hiccup, and Yawn by Melvin Berger because they compliment each other nicely when learning about the human body.
The author has included good quality content, easy to read pages, and simple experiments. It could certainly be digested in one or more sittings.
My 9 year old sister, Bree, would like this because she enjoys looking at pictures while reading! Teachers, homeschool moms, and curious kids will also love this!
50 Science Things to Make and Do by Usborne Activities would be a great follow up book to read because it’s similar to Human Senses. The science experiments are easy and fun!