By Lucy K. age 10, Senior Intern
I read this book because the cover was so intriguing and looked so fun especially with all the fun colored houses and the children playing outside.
One thing I loved about this book is the childrens’ imaginations. The children could come up with anything, whether it was trying to chase pirates or pretending to be old ladies. Their imagination’s always kept them and other people on their toes. I also like that this story is told from Lisa’s-a nine year old girls-point of view. I feel like I am experiencing it at the same time as her.
I did not like the way the children would sometimes talk to and treat each other. Though it is harmless, I still oppose. This book reminds me of All-of-a-Kind-Family, because many of the children are a lot alike. They have close knit relationships and their wild imaginations take them far and wide. The Children of Noisy Village feel to me like one big family, exactly like The All-of-a-Kind-Family is.
There are some things a parent may wish to know. Mr. Kind, their shoemaker, has a dog but he isn't very nice to the dog. Also, the boys will occasionally say the “stupid”. Furthermore, Anna and Britta have a grandfather who lives with them. This lovable, elderly man shares that when he was younger he was mistreated and spanked often and was withheld food, so he ran away. I would recommend this book for a read-aloud for all ages. But especially for independent readers aged 8-10, who are looking for an exciting story!